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Hunting in Ireland

As part of our services, we organize vacations for hunting in Ireland.


Combined with our Hunt Clinics, you will be well prepared for an Irish  hunt meet.
Drag hunting is also available. Hunting is available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturday and Sundays, with all our local packs. 

James,  has many years experience hunting through out Ireland, Uk and USA, so will be able to match you to the most suitable horse. 




Hunting Clinics

J.T Equestrian organize hunt clinics to prepare horse and rider for the hunt field.

These clinics are suitable for first time hunters, and also the more experienced combination of horse and rider.


Hunt Clinics are a stress  free, fun filled, safe environment to learn about what is to be expected as a member of a hunt field.


James, your tutor, has many years experience hunting through out Ireland, Uk and USA.




Bridlespur Hunt 

Visiting with the Bridlespur Hunt Club in Missouri, USA for the clubs opening hunt weekend celebrations.

Bridlespur were celebrating 90 years hunting when we visited.

It was our first time hunting coyote and what a thrilling ride we had. So very fast, and covered a lot of ground.



Virginia Hunt Week

It had always been an ambition of mine to visit Virginia and hunt anywhere in America. 

I already had been to Bridlespur, and my next target was Virginia Hunt Week.

VHW is actually 14 days of glorious hunting with so many local packs.

A wonderful trip, that made me appreciate the inclusiveness, friendship and partnerships of hunting even more. 

Quorn Hunt, UK

This was a red letter day for me. 

The horse I am riding is called Twix. I had trained her from a 4yr old until she sold towards the end of 2019. 

In January 2020, I achieved another life long ambition of hunting with the Quorn Hunt in the UK. To do it onboard Twix is beyond anything I could have ever imagined.

International Side Saddle Event 2013

This event was held November 30th-Dec 1st by a hunt in Meath and the Grallagh Harriers in Galway, Ireland.
The video is from the drag hunt in Galway hosted by the Grallagh Harriers.
Riders came from all over the world to participate. Some riders had never even attempted side saddle before this day.

In the field we had the wonderful Susan Oakes, who helped to organise this event. Susan is the world record holder for the highest jump in a side saddle.

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